Today I am going to discuss about Life Path number 1. If you don't know what is your Life Path number and how to calculate it please read my article how to calculate Life Path number.
Life Path number 1 Personality?
When I see Life Path number 1 the first thing comes to my mind is leadership and the ego. So if you are like number 1 then you are by born leader you always want a freedom for your speech and your accent. If somebody interrupts you then you feel irritated.
I have seen you are very creative and you always think out of the box and whenever you something assigned to you always on the task.
You always take responsibility of the task and you always bring the fresh bright new ideas like original ideas and you always think out of box. These things makes you unique and as a leader.
You always want to go ahead and initiate the things and you always accomplish.
As I said when you earn anything you give yourself 100% you devote yourself and finish the task. I have seen they have some sort of charm of charisma. They always attract attention of the people they always be in the limelight.
So even though they always think they have to be in limelight and they also doing a way like they always get attentions. Wells they always kind of like attention seeker. But they have something ability so nobody can say that you are a instant seek.
They always get attention even though if they walk among the four friends people know them like whoever is the number one. They are like path number one so people always recognize that he is the one who has something special skill or something different from others. so they always get noticed they always get attention.
I have also seen in you is your decision making things. The way you make decision it's very unique suppose there is A and there's a B you make decision between A and B in a such a way like both A and B are satisfied with the decision.
So you always find the better way in-between. You can solve the problem and they Both A and B should not feel like I didn’t get the better part.
I have also seen you always want the commanding position and whenever task is assigned to you you always think the tasks should not be shared between two people. It should assign to you so that you can own the tasks and you can deliver rather than sharing between two people and the reward should be shared and all those things you don't like you always want the commanding position.
Where you can guide when you can deliver you can basically you can drive the show so this is what you want.
Also seeing you are very helping nature whenever you help people you always put yourself into their position and you always help them from heart. So that your intention is to help them rather than getting that reward for that you don’t do for the sake of doing that.
whenever you are helping you always help for these that the needy whoever to whomever you are helping their problem should resolve.
You are definitely very creative. You love artistic things you are at lower means you always have some creative things always. You know something second part at the ego. who always want people should know you, should recognize you.
They should know who you are so that's sometimes what happened this is the ego inside you that get pushed it and that makes you cut from the people. You become more selfish you start become aggressive and you always feel like jealous kind of things.
So you always have to understand the pride difference between the pride and the ego because these poor things have very slight difference. You have the ability to get succeed but sometimes you always want to show others your ability that becomes your ego at that time. That hurt people and then you start feeling like loneliness or something you think like nobody is caring for me and it starts with like I’m the only one I can take care of everything. I don't need any people help but end of the day you start feeling like okay nobody supporting me and I’m alone.
You have lot of talent,
you are creative,
you have leadership skill.
But this ego is creating problem for you. So that will define you in nutshell like in one paragraph who you are so you are very creative and you always think out of the box you are courageous and never afraid to take difficult paths to achieve your goal.
You give very high importance to your status and so foster the appearance of success and self-satisfaction. Since you always want to get attention that strive for growth success and the finer things in life come naturally to you.
Do very well when you take ownership of anything so this is one paragraph from the book numerology and so the question comes is these type of quality why you are driving the reason is the number 1. If you understand the number and then you can naturally understand from where this number 1 is getting energy.
First of all in numerology this number 1 is the first number. It is beginning so that's why you always take initiative you don't like that monotone as job or define tasks.
You have always want to do something new something creative. You always want to think out of the box because as in number one is the first number like a new child who just came into the world and they start thinking analyzing and everything.
They feel like I can do that it is possible for me so that ambition to do the things to think differently without any limitations that is number 1 that gives you.
When I see life path number 1 it is like leadership things. A leader is the one who ahead follow something unique and then after doing that they show the path to the others so that other people can walk on that path so that's what you know number 1. Who rules that number one whose energy it is the planet sun.
Who is son son is first of all the king of all the planets in astrology. So like that life path number 1 always feel like king they always love the authoritative position. They always think I’m the king whatever task they do even though a small room if high people are there they always feel I am the king should get noticed. People should listen to me.
Another one sun is also representing the Soul means whenever you are helping others you connect from here and that’s why you take care of the people like. It should not for the sake of getting attentions.
While helping people you always help for a reason and soul that's why when you are connected to yourself you always make good decision because soul guides you the right path. So that's why when you are working when you are connected with your true nature, when you are aligned with your true energy then whatever you do you do your best.
That’s why you devote yourself to doing because at that time you are connected to yourself sun again represent the father, the head of the family, that's why when you love someone when you take care of someone you take care like a father.
You always love them it's not like mom loves with the affection and that you love them but at the same time you always believe it should be go in the right direction. As your father not only love but also you feel like my love should not make him weak. It should make them strong enough so that you can basically guiding them even though you are loving them, you are taking care of them, but you are guiding them to the right path so that's how you are seeing this type of energy in you.
Love & Relationship of life path number 1:-
In love and relationship you take care of your partner as a father as I told Sun represents the father so you always take care of them as a father. To whomever you love you devote yourself you take care of them completely.
You take the ownership of the relationship that’s why your relationship with the life path number 1 usually gets succeed. But the problem with life path 1 is you love your partner but at the sometime you expect your partner should have some unique quality or they should be into the right path or they should be doing as per your instruction.
Because you always want to get notice even in your relationship whatever your wife, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband. So you always think due to your relation people should appreciate you, why people should appreciate your husband so when you've a lot of expectation you have from your partner so that creates problem.
Sometimes because you are expecting too much. Second thing is your ego you love but at the same time you know this is my limit after that I will not bend so that needs again the problem in your relationship. So you have to watch you and you have to control your expectation a little bit because every people are different and every people priority is different. So everybody cannot work as per your style or your expectation.
Life Path Number 1 Career & Finance :-
In career you are doing really good because you are born leader, you are very good decision maker, you always want to take initiative, you always think out of the box, you are very creative, so all the good qualities you have.
Even though I have seen most of the successful people particularly in the government sector belongs to life path number 1. Somewhere in the chart number 1 is very strong that's why they are in the government sector a high authoritative position like military army politics.
Even though in the private sector or the organization people who at high level they usually have life path 1 somewhere because that life path number 1 rules that is the king so it always gets the high position. But the thing is you are doing very good because you devote yourself to the work you always have the good ideas and everything.
But when you are working as a employee at that time you feel like people should not instruct you if they will give you tasks you work very fine but if somebody will give you tasks and then they start instructing you like you do this, did you do this then you don't like this interruption.
Because you always feel like I own the task I will deliver I'm good so people should not interrupt me that's why you don’t like boss usually.
Person who is instructing you giving you lot of instruction you don't like. But at a boss you are doing very good because you always understand how employee should do, you always guide them you always give them enough opportunity to rise and you always understand the problem because you have the vision.
You have the creative ideas and as I said you have good decision-making like an A and B so you always understand the team problem and you guide them very good and you give enough opportunity to that.
So that’s why when you go to those position where you are commanding position or authoritative position then you start rising very easily because those things by natural. How to rule basically or how to manage that things none but if I will give you money one hand one hand position you always go through the position the authoritative position the power because that thinks you like more compared to the money.
You always feel if I will get this money will automatically follow me so you give importance to that so that position brings you money. You are not chasing money but that position itself gives you money. That's why I have seen this life path number 1 people.
Life path 1 Health:-
Health-wise sun it is hot. so I have seen most of the life path number 1 people wearing specs not like they are blind or something or they have some sort of problem with their eyes. So they are wearing specs though Sun is very hot and you have lot of energy to do something that also creates problem in the nervous system.
Due to that you get headache and then you are again wearing the glass for that also so that's why that things eye part you have to take cares. Like I said Sun also represent bones, skeleton system, our tooth so that also creates problem.
However because it is the natural tendency of Sun you have to take care of your heart.
However you are doing good along as you are following routine and doing regular exercise. You are controlling your energy because sometimes your high energy or aggression causing issue as long as you are controlling your ego, you are aware of yourself, you are following a routine and you know your limit.
Then you are okay but when aggression rise your energy. Then health issue starts coming so when you feel anything wrong then check that whether you are really more stressed or more anxious or you are very aggressive. So check those things probably that is the one of the reason that they start creating issue in your health suggestion.
I have some suggestions furious I said Life Path number 1 has a lot of good quality by born leader. They are good thinker they always think out of box. Their artistic talent, creative person and good decision maker basically always love authoritative position. You have some charm or charisma which attracts people attention you always shine likes and share of all sides.
You have lot of good things but the problems only the ego because you always feel you are special, you always feel you have something so that people should know you that is good people know you anyway.
Because you have something it's not like you are getting attention just by chance or by luck you have something unique that makes people to notice you but the thing is sometimes this ego like I am the one I don't need anybody else I candor anything by myself that makes you problematic. That basically cuts you from the people you don't feel connected at the end of the day you feel loneliness.
Same problem in there relationship also. If you show your ego in relationship it doesn't work for you. So as long as you are taking care of your ego you have lot of good qualities that can make right you. Sun also represent the soul the true self when you align with that when you are helping others. When you are taking care of the people to whom you are associated with good intention.
Then you start seeing the port of the people so when you are helping others then you start seeing Althea people are supporting you and when you get support of the people you automatically rise so that all the natural talent or power whatever you have when you start using to help others to solve other people problem then you see the difference in your life so thank you this was my analysis of Life Path number 1.